Harrisons Holdings (Malaysia) Berhad (“HHMB”) is committed to fair and equitable business practices and expects compliant and ethical behavior by all its employees and external parties (whether natural persons or incorporated) acting for and on behalf of HHMB.
This Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy (“ABC Policy”) is intended to outline clear principles and rules for the prevention of bribery and corruption, thereby providing directors and employees with guidance on proper standards of behavior. All directors and employees of HHMB are responsible to familiarise and comply with the ABC Policy. Compliance to this ABC Policy is also extended to HHMB’s Business Partners and Third Parties who are engaged by HHMB. |
2. | SCOPE | |
This ABC Policy applies to all legal entities forming Harrison Holdings (Malaysia) Berhad and its subsidiaries (“HHMB”), including joint ventures, as well as minority ownerships managed or otherwise controlled by HHMB, and correspondingly to all the respective directors and employees of such entities.
It furthermore applies to all associated parties, i.e. any person or organization that provides services for or on behalf of HHMB. This Policy is aligned with applicable laws and regulations and, in certain parts of our business, industry codes of practice. In the event local laws and regulations are more stringent than this Policy, then the more stringent rules shall apply. |
3. | POLICY | |
HHMB has zero tolerance for any form of bribery. Employees shall not, directly, for or through an external party, promise, offer, make, authorize, solicit or accept any financial or other advantage, to obtain or retain business or secure an improper advantage in the conduct of business.
What is bribery? Bribery is defined as: |
What is “anything of value”? “Anything of value” includes but are not limited to the following:
This ABC Policy features continuous actions to prevent, detect and correct acts of bribery and corruption. We take a zero tolerance approach towards fraud, in particular bribery and corruption whether passive or active. We must know who we are doing business with. The following are our commitments pursuant to this ABC Policy:
With these commitments, this ABC Policy serves as a guideline on how we can do our part to eliminate any act of bribery and corruption within our organisation while requiring our Business Partners and Third Parties to commit to do the same. HHMB applies a range of procedures for the prevention of bribery and corruption. These include risk assessment, implementation of risk mitigation measures and appropriate controls, managing of third party risks, training and communication, as well as monitoring and reviews. HHMB restricts hiring and on-going employment to individuals who demonstrate their commitment to highest standards of integrity. It is the responsibility of every employee to prevent any instances of bribery and corruption and to report any corresponding concerns or suspicions. HHMB commits to protecting employees who in good faith raise genuine bribery concerns or suspicions. All reports of bribery and corruption concerns or suspicions shall be investigated. Employees found to have violated this Policy (through committing an act of bribery or through failure to report acts of bribery) shall be subjected to disciplinary or other actions, up to and including dismissal, and legal action where appropriate. |
HHMB has zero tolerance against any acts of bribery and corruption and any breach to this ABC Policy. Therefore, directors and employees of HHMB MUST NOT:
Business Partners and Third Parties can have a direct impact on our business through their behaviour and actions. As such, we would like to work with Business Partners and Third Parties who share the same ethical values and commitments as us.
Business Partners and Third Parties who work for and on behalf of HHMB are expected to act in the way that is consistent with the ABC Policy. HHMB should “know its partners” before appointing them and to do so, HHMB will assess the suitability of its Business Partners and Third Parties through background checks, assessing their financial stability and risk profiling. Third Parties may not be hired without either: (a) a written and executed contract or (b) a written and executed letter of intent that includes a binding agreement to comply with HHMB’s ABC Policy and an indication of compensation and scope of work. Third Parties may not perform services for HHMB until engaged and may not be paid until after a contract is executed. No oral agreements or understandings are permitted pending award of a contract in question. After appointment, as they are expected to be consistent with HHMB’s ABC Policy, they must acknowledge and agree to comply with the principles of the ABC Policy. We will take appropriate measures if we believe that they have not met their contractual obligations. |
Making the right decision is not always a straight forward matter. There will be occasions where you are under pressure or unsure of what to do.
In such circumstances, you should ask yourself the following questions:
If your answer is “NO” to any of these questions or if you are unsure, then you must immediately report to or seek guidance from your Heads of Department or the Chairman of the Risk Management Committee (‘RMC’). |
This section sets out HHMB’s Policy on Hospitality, Gifts and Entertainment. Gifts are benefits of various kinds given to someone as a sign of appreciation, as a matter of courtesy, or related to specific cultural practices or special events (e.g. festive celebrations, weddings, funerals, etc.) Hospitality generally refers to meals, refreshments, travels and accommodation, but may also include events such as training, education, lobbying or open houses. Entertainment generally refers to social, cultural and sporting events or recreational activities.
The giving and accepting of hospitality, gifts and entertainment can be permitted if it is reasonable, proportionate and legitimate. You must not accept or give offer hospitality, gifts and entertainment if:
Common examples of business gifts with a nominal value include fruit baskets, food hampers, pens, caps, mugs and other moderately priced tokens of HHMB corporate gifts. However, gifts in the form of cash or cash equivalent must never be given, accepted or solicited. Business hospitality activities, including meals and entertainment, are not prohibited as long as the nature and frequency of the occasion are reasonable and comply with the key principles mentioned above. Any business hospitality activities that:
Facilitation payments are inducements or incentives given to secure or expedite a routine function that an individual is ordinarily obliged to perform. They are usually small unofficial payments paid to speed up routine administrative processes such as licenses, permits or visas.
We at HHMB:
An exception to this prohibition may be tolerated if a facilitation payment is made in the context of an imminent threat i.e. loss of life, limb or liberty. Examples of such exceptional situations:
In any circumstances, if you were offered facilitation payments, you must report it immediately or at the earliest opportunity to your Head of Department or the RMC. |
A high degree of risk exists when we interact with a government or Public Official who may be in a position (actual or perceived) to make or influence decisions that affect our business. Therefore, when dealing with a government or Public Official, HHMB’s Policy on Gifts, Hospitality and Entertainment in Section 7 must be observed by HHMB’s Personnel.
“Public Official” refers to persons who hold a legislative, administrative or judicial office (either appointed or elected), any person exercising a public function, including for a public agency or a public enterprise (e.g. a state-owned enterprise), any official or agent of a public international organisation. HHMB does not condone or approve of the following behaviour or conduct:
Promotional activities in our business generally refer to the marketing (e.g. advertising, demonstrating) of our products or services offering to potential buyers. Incentives generally refer to benefits provided conditional on certain outcomes, e.g. a bonus for meeting of a sales target.
HHMB promotes its products and services in a proportionate, transparent, fair, equitable and ethical manner and only permits reasonable expenditure relating to demonstrating products and services, including related travel and hospitality expenses, or promotional expenses in relation to performance of a contractual obligation, such as training. HHMB does not allow the offering of incentives or incentive schemes to external parties unless done in a legal, ethical, commercially justifiable and fully transparent manner and permissible under our and any recipients’ rules. Equally, HHMB employees shall not accept any incentives from external parties. HHMB prohibits any forms of promotional practices which are unethical and may give rise to suspicions of bribery, such as excessive discounting or similar, or personalized incentives in the form of gifts, hospitality, entertainment, kickbacks or other. Sponsoring in the context of our business means the provision of monetary funds or in-kind contributions for specific projects, events or activities in exchange for recognition. Grants generally refer to the provision of monetary benefits to an eligible person, typically in combination with restrictions for their usage or application. Donations refers to the provisions of monies or in-kind contributions to a specific cause, generally related to charity or humanitarian needs. Sponsorships, grants, donations or similar contributions shall never be provided with the intent of obtaining favors or improper advantages by their recipients, or for retaining or obtaining business. |
This Policy shall be implemented by all employees in their respective areas of responsibility. The RMC and the management are tasked with creating anti-bribery and anti-corruption awareness among employees and relevant third parties. HHMB managers through good leadership, leading by example, and regular communication shall ensure that employees are aware of the significance and the critical role of this policy and our anti-bribery principles and standards.
HHMB will periodically provide mandatory general anti-bribery training for all employees as well as specific training to employees and relevant third parties in line with their roles and responsibilities and risks they face. |
HHMB must maintain accurate books and records, in line with applicable laws, regulations as well as accounting and reporting principles. Employees must ensure that all financial transactions are properly recorded in a complete, true and fair manner. No accounts must be kept “off-book” to facilitate or conceal improper payments, and false or deceptive entries into books and records are strictly prohibited.
At HHMB we will ensure that we will not:
All transactions must be properly reviewed, approved and documented, and all relevant internal controls procedures must be followed, to ensure that all payments HHMB makes or receives are properly accounted for in reasonable detail, including the amount of the payment, the recipient, and the purpose for the expenditure. All claims by employees for expenses incurred to third parties are to be submitted in accordance with HHMB expense claim policies. HHMB will only reimburse employees for goods, services and other expenditures that are fully and properly supported by genuine third-party invoices and receipts. |
14.1. | Internal reporting and investigation | |
All local concerns or suspicions of bribery and corruption shall immediately be reported to the Chairman of the Audit Committee. Such reports will be treated with confidence and every effort will be made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained throughout the process. Anyone making a report of illegal or unethical behaviour in good faith is protected from discrimination or retaliation of any kind. Directors and employees are expected to familiarize themselves with HHMB’s Whistle Blowing Policy and procedures. | ||
14.2. | External reporting (to parties outside HHMB) | |
Depending on the nature of incidents of bribery and corruption, reporting to authorities or regulatory bodies may be required. Such reporting shall be coordinated through HHMB’s panel of legal experts. | ||
All directors, managers, employees and associated persons shall strictly comply with this ABC Policy. Any acts of actual or suspected non-compliance shall be reported and investigated as outlined herein.
Non-compliance shall lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination for cause, and in warranted cases, legal action. Errant employees may face criminal prosecution for violating anti-bribery and anti-corruption legislation. |
Last Reviewed: 25 September 2020 |